On 28 November 2016 in RDEP’s conference room in Szczecin the third meeting of the Steering Group of of project LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 was held. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the documentation of design river restoration in the Drawa basin submitted to the Ordering Party. The participants were welcomed by Ms Sylwia Jurzyk-Nordlöw Deputy Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Szczecin – Regional Conservator of Nature. Then Ms Beata Gąsiorowska spoke – LIFEDrawaPL project coordinator, who discussed in her introductory presentation the tasks performed within the project in 2016 and their state of progress. Then Artur Furdyna and Piotr Waloch discussed selected activities in more detail, including nature and sociological monitoring, Groenlandia densa reintroduction, anti-poaching actions , tourism channelling in the Drawa basin. This meeting was the first one of the Steering Group, which was attended by the Contract’s Engineer (Engineering House “PROMIS” S.A.), whose responsibility, at a later stage on behalf of RDEP, is to carry out tender procedures as well as to supervise the implementation of investment tasks for technical acceptance and handing over for use.
The participants (mainly Julian Pietrołaj, Józef Jeleński and Piotr Dębowski) made numerous comments to the submitted documentation. They concerned inter alia: lack of some permits and agreements, deficiencies in the projects and proposed design solutions.
The meeting was attended by 22 participants.
Among the invited guests the third meeting of the Steering Group was attended by the members of the Steering Group:
- Paweł Bilski, Director of the Drawieński National Park;
- Robert Czerniawski, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Biology;
- Józef Jeleński, Project’s Coordinator SPCP KIK/37 Spawning Grounds of Upper Raba;
- Piotr Dębowski, Inland Fishing Institute in Olsztyn Department of Migratory Fish in Rutki;
- Artur Przybylski, Provincial Chief of the State Fishing Guard in Szczecin;
- Maciej Humiczewski, Deputy Director for Investment West Pomeranian Board of Land Reclamation and Water Facilities in Szczecin;
- Wincenty Piworun, Deputy Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Regional Conservator of Nature in Gorzów Wielkopolski.
On behalf of RDEP in Szczecin the meeting was attended by:
- Sylwia Jurzyk-Nordlöw – Deputy Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Szczecin, Regional Conservator of Nature in Szczecin;
- Beata Gąsiorowska – LIFEDrawaPL project Coordinator;
- Artur Furdyna – LIFEDrawaPL project Field expert;
- Aneta Radecka – Expert for settlement and accounting operations of LIFEDrawaPL project;
- Ewelina Berkowska –LIFEDrawaPL project Administrator;
- Tomasz Heese – Scientific expert, ichthyologist, hydrobiologist, LIFEDrawaPL project consultant;
- Piotr Waloch – Senior Inspector in RDEP in Szczecin.
Moreover, the representatives of the Contract’s Engineer and the planner of restoration in the Drawa basin (DHV Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o.):
- Julian Pietrołaj, PROMIS;
- Alicja Rusiecka, PROMIS;
- Dariusz Pękala, PROMIS;
- Urszula Głod, PROMIS;
- Krzysztof Polak, DHV Hydroprojekt;
- Elżbieta Jarominek, DHV Hydroprojekt;
- Agata Łukasik, DHV Hydroprojekt;
- Krzysztof Lewandowski, DHV Hydroprojekt.