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Groenlandia – what next ???

In 2016, our team acquired approx. 1000 specimens of Groenlandia densa from Germany and Austria (Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Oberau, Bregenz, Feldkirch, Mining). In the period from autumn 2016 to spring 2018, the plant was multiplied by a team of specialists from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The first placement of Groenlandia…

Kamienna camping site

At the end of April 2020, as part of the LIFE13NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL project, we implemented the action: C.8.5. Modernisation of the camping site in Kamienna The rebuilt “Kamienna camping site” is located in Drawieński National Park (land lot 521 Głusko District, Dobiegniew Commune) in the direct vicinity of the bottom…

The first phase of the first part of the task called „Monitoring of fish and lampreys” has been finished

The first phase of the first part of the task called “Monitoring of fish and lampreys from Annexes II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EWG) including: 1106 Salmo salar, 1163 Cottus gobio, 1149 Cobitis taenia, 1099 Lampetra fluviatilis, within the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 project has been finished. The research,…

Projekt „Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland / Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”.

Projekt LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 pn. „Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”, LIFEDrawaPL jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach programu LIFE + oraz przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.

Beneficjent projektu

Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Szczecinie
ul. Teofila Firlika 20, 71-637 Szczecin
tel.: 91 43-05-200, fax: 91 43-05-201
Biuro Projektu pok. 205 (II piętro)
tel. 91 43 05 222 lub 91 43 05 214


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