Criewen Natzionalparkcentrum 1-3 June 2016
The German environmental organisation Deutsche Umwelthilfe invited representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin to participate in the fourth edition of a workshop and conference about rivers. The aim was to strengthen even more the cooperation in this field and to exchange experience. For RDEP representatives the meeting was particularly interesting in the context of rivers restoration projects carried out by the Germans, especially because part of the presentation broaden their knowledge about German plans for protection the so-called Border Odra from flooding and follow-up to restoration in the River Elbe basin. The second project is directly linked to the LIFEDrawaPL project implemented by RDEP, because the next step is to be realised in the Elbe basin, the River Mulda. Within two decades the Elbe, due to moving flood banks back and making another thousands hectares of floodlands in the valley available, has become far less fickle, but (what is equally important) also accessible to shipping by reducing the flows’ gradient. This effect has been mainly gained due to the basins restoration.