The Fish Passage 2020 conference gatherns experts, managers and stakeholders from all around the world – in order to discuss urgent issues regarding ecohydraulics, ecohydrology and problems related to fish migration, solutions in this area and future research directions.
The annual event aims to intensify research and create professional networks; it also provides an excellent opportunity to establish contacts in the field of water resources management.
The LIFEDrawaPL project was to be officially presented at this year’s Fish Passage 2020 conference in Lisbon. Unfortunately, due to the persistent pandemic situation, this year’s conference has been canceled.
Despite this, the Jury of this year’s edition of Fish Passage 2020 decided to award the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 project, implemented by us: Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland.
The award in the competition is a great distinction for us, especially since the Committee (The Fisheries Engineering and Science Project Award Task Group) searched for projects using the latest knowledge in restoring passability of rivers and to improve the status of habitats and endangered species.
Information about the award is available at: http://fishpassage.umass.edu/distinguished-project-award
It is possible that due to the cancellation of this year’s conference in Lisbon, the project will soon be presented during a series of webinars organized by the conference organizer.
Information about the project was broadcast on our national television in the Teleexpress programme.
Link below (from 9 min. 50s) – we encourage to watch this coverage