At the end of 2017, as a part of the LIFE13NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL project, we carried out the action: C.8 Construction of two campsites, including the Drawa and Korytnica rivers, and put into use Drewniany Most campsite and Nowa Korytnica campsite.
The task included preparation of design documentation along with all necessary administrative decisions which were required to fulfill the works and then deliveries, execution, including installation and putting into operation and preparation of as-built documentation of the campsites’ construction.
Each field has been equipped with:
- a wooden jetty for mooring kayaks and boats with slides for convenient launch of the equipment,
- wooden tourist sheds with equipment (benches and tables),
- separate places for bonfires or grilling,
- a paved place for toilets,
- waste bins,
- fencing,
- an information board.
The campsites in Drewniany Most and Nowa Korytnica have been implemented in order to make use of the Drawa and Korytnica rivers and their natural values as well as for:
- tourism development in this area,
- active and family way of spending free time,
- organization of school and out-of-school activities for children and youth,
- integrating the local community around common economic goals
- redirecting excessive tourist flows from the part of the Drawa within the DPN to the area outside the DNP
Come and visit our campsites.