The first of the planned investments in the LIFEDrawaPL project, conducted by the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDEP) in Szczecin, is coming to an end. It has been realised within the framework of the activities addressed to the public. The River Drawa is best known among tourists for its middle and lower reaches – in the summer time thousands of water sports enthusiasts choose this direction. Such a great tourists’ pressure does not serve their rest or numerous protected habitats located there. Meanwhile, the Drawa basin has lots of attractions to offer at much greater length than the section within the Drawa National Park (DNP)..
Unfortunately, there is no adequate tourist infrastructure, so this area is currently visited only by few. An ambitious goal of the LIFEDrawaPL project is to encourage to use the other parts of the Drawa basin due to constructing several campsites outside the DNP. Realisation of the first of them is coming to an end in Złocieniec – here the Town and Municipality as soon as at the stage of applying to LIFE for funding provided plots and a project for infrastructure. Originally the task was planned to be completed in 2015, but due to objective reasons the contract’s fulfilment date was extended. During recent months much has changed: birch trees and hedges have been planted, a paved way for pedestrians and cyclists have been created and a new bridge for canoeists, toilets, a shelter and a stage. Also some drawings by Arkadiusz Kot, an architect, have been displayed.
As a result, tourists have gained objects which help them to relax after canoeing the section of Drawa in Czaplinek municipality and the inhabitants of Złocieniec can now appreciate an interestingly organised space upon the Drawa next to the town centre.