The project activities have entered the final stage. After obtaining the necessary approvals from PGW WP, the implementation of one of the last investment activities in the project began – the reconstruction of sequences of gravel-stone piles. The task divided into several stages is a response to the needs of rivers identified during monitoring O in terms of improving the bad morphological parameters of the sections covered by the project.

The implementation began with the reconstruction of the piles matched to the parameters of the river – in terms of shape and grain size – below EW Kamienna. In this place, due to the use of the Drawa for floating timber up to the 1980s, the riverbed was significantly impoverished. Morphological structures differentiating the river, proper for gravelly beds, were practically absent. Thanks to the project’s activities, this section has now become closer to the natural one, thanks to which the condition of the habitat has improved significantly, favouring both water-crowfoots and ichthyofauna. The same action was performed in a tributary of the Korytnica. Pile after pile, the Drawa river system is becoming a fully healthy gravelly river. Earlier, similar activities were carried out as part of the project to improve the conditions of the reintroduced plant, Greonlandia densa, in Chociel, as well as for enrichment of gravel-poor spawning grounds in the Radwia and Grabowa rivers. Józef Jeleński, the Steering Group expert, made a huge contribution to the implementation of the action. The activity also has an educational value. It can be cleary seen how the contractor implementing the action performs his work more efficiently with each subsequent pile.