On 23rd August 2019, the LIFEDrawaPL team organized, within the project, the fifth educational kayaking trip under the slogan “Natural values of the Radwia and sustainable use of the river basin”.
This year’s kayaking trip was carried out on the Radwia river – Natura 2000 area The Valley of the Radwia, Chociel and Chotla; PLH320022 – on which, under the LIFE 13 NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL project, restoration activities aimed at restoring spawning grounds for migratory fish and lampreys were done. The river Radew and its river basin is attractive in terms of the landscape and due to its good ecological status in some sections is also one of the main watercourses on which the project Team conducts activities related to the reintroduction of Groenlandia densa.
As every year 40 participants took part in the kayaking trip. A pleasant surprise for the whole Team was the fact that among the participants it was possible to recognize the faces of people taking part in kayaking in previous years.
Full attendance and a good mood that accompanied everyone until the end of the day confirm the validity of this form of education and integration of local communities with nature conservation services in the region.
This year’s kayaking was carried out on the approx. 14 km section of the Radwia river from the palace in Nosów to the marina in Karlino. Before starting the trip, the participants were handed small project gifts along with maps and project folders. Traditionally, before the kayaking, Artur Furdyna – the field coordinator in the project, presented the natural background of the current trip to the participants, pointing out the importance of protective measures taken in this area to improve the condition of river ecosystems.
After the introduction to nature issues, a short safety instructions were given and everyone went on the river.
A beautiful weather on the day of kayaking in connection with some unusual views of the picturesque river enable the participants forgetting completely about tiredness. The participants had a chance to observe in the field the full plant form of 3260 habitat, with water-crowfoots in the Radwia stream and well-preserved riparian forests in the floodplain of the river valley. An attentive listener and observer had an opportunity to gather information necessary to participate in the “Hydrozagadki” competition organized later.
The trip lasted about 4 hours, depending on the crew’s efficiency in a kayak. Fortunately, the conditions we had to face were much milder than last year, despite the extremely low water level. It favoured observing plants and fish inhabitants of the river swimming among them.
After the trip we all had an opportunity to relax and eat at a bonfire. After supplementing the energy, the LIFEDrawaPL Team invited the participants to the “Hydrozagadki” competition. For this purpose the Team prepared a natural science test.
This year the participants demonstrated a high level of knowledge. Despite the preparation of specialized questions – those who answered best almost all of them and obtained the same point result, and the order in which the tests were passed decided about winning the competition. Traditionally, the three best teams were honoured with small gifts. It is worth emphasizing that in this year’s competition the vast majority of the participants coped very well with the questions, for which everyone deserves huge congratulations!
After the refreshments and the announcement of the results, it was time to say goodbye, although the excellent atmosphere and weather encouraged to stay upon the river longer.
The team of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin would like to thank all the participants for such a successful event.
We give our special thanks for a nice atmosphere and, once again, the professional organization of the kayaking to Mr Włodzimierz Zimnowłocki – “Zimny Włodek”, who supervised the participants to the very end.
We hope that the opportunity to be together with nature from the “deck” of the kayak will appear again next year!
See you!
Please watch the film: