Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Szczecin invites to participate in another educational kayaking trip organized within the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL project “Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce/Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland”, co-financed by the European Union funds under the LIFE+ financial instrument and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw.
Kayaking route – the Drawa river
(Detailed organizational information will be available soon on the project’s website http://drawalifeplus.rdos.szczecin.pl)
Planned date of kayaking: 9th September 2017 (Saturday)
Number of seats is limited!!!
Applicants will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Applications should be sent by e-mail ewelina.berkowska.szczecin@rdos.gov.pl not later than 07.09.2017.
Educational kayaking trips have been organized by the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin since 2015 as part of the LIFEDrawaPL project within “Active education” action. Direct contact with Nature, under the guidance of experts, enables to inform effectively about the essence of Natura 2000 site functioning in relation to its local conditions.
During the trip participants will have a chance to see the place they live in from a ‘natural’ perspective, they will learn what valuable areas surround them, what makes it unique and why it is so important to protect it. Due to the main objectives set by the project, the trips’ primarily concern are water-crowfoots rivers as habitats of enormous natural value also for a man. The participants will learn what ecological river corridors are and why they are so important for the proper functioning of the entire ecosystem; they will also have a chance to observe them actively. One of the attractions is a contest for the participants with attractive prizes (sleeping bags, headlights, food thermoses, etc.). At the end of the kayaking a fire for all will be organised.
These meetings are a great opportunity to strengthen the cooperation of local community representatives with those responsible for supervising and management of the Natura 2000 Network. They also enable to exchange observations and practical experiences related to the exploitation of natural resources in Natura 2000 sites. And for these reasons we especially invite to participate in the kayaking.
For detailed organizational information please contact Ms Ewelina Berkowska (WST Złocieniec), phone number: 94 36-70-926.
See you on the route!