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Educational maps

Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin, the within the framework of the project LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL “Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland”, is planning to release information and educational materials in the form of educational maps.

The map will serve a wide audience, but primarily we want to make it functional for a tourist-canoeist and not only.

The maps’ publishing will be possible after text and graphics content consultations and that is why we placed the map’s test version on our project website in the downloads. The map’s text and graphics content will be dynamic, changing with new information coming from You.

You can send Your ideas and suggestions on the e-mail address:, phone: 94 36 70 926 or by fax: 94 36 70 930.

We are waiting for Your proposals till 15 December 2016.
We reserve the right not to take into account all the comments.
We invite You to participate actively in the map’s creation.

Download the map at: LIFEDrawaPL

Projekt „Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland / Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”.

Projekt LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 pn. „Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”, LIFEDrawaPL jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach programu LIFE + oraz przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.

Beneficjent projektu

Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Szczecinie
ul. Teofila Firlika 20, 71-637 Szczecin
tel.: 91 43-05-200, fax: 91 43-05-201
Biuro Projektu pok. 205 (II piętro)
tel. 91 43 05 222 lub 91 43 05 214


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