Life Programme
It is the only financial instrument of the European Union devoted exclusively to co-financing projects in the field of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment as well as human influence on the climate and adaptation to its changes. The main objective of the programme is to support implementation of the EU environmental law, realization of EU policy in this area, as well as identification and promotion of new solutions for environmental problems including nature.
The LIFE Programme – the Environment and Climate Action Programme (2014-2020) was introduced by Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on 11 December 2013. The implementation of the programme has been divided into two commitment periods, under which the so-called Multiannual Work Programmes are accepted, within which the EC defines the frameworks for the LIFE implementation in a given period – I Multiannual Work Programme for the years 2014-2017 and II Multiannual Work Programme for the years 2018-2020.
The LIFE programme (2014-2020) has been divided into two priority areas: for the environment and for the climate, under which specific objectives have been set out.
The LIFE programme is managed by the European Commission, which publishes a call for proposals (call for proposals) once a year. The beneficiary of the LIFE Programme may be any entity (units, entities and public or private institutions) registered in an EU member state. The total budget of the LIFE Programme for the years 2014-2020 is EUR 3 456 million, including environmental policy – EUR 2,592 million and climate – EUR 864 million. The budget for financing projects under the 2014-2017 financial perspective is EUR 1 347 million within the sub-programme for the environment and EUR 449 million for the sub-programme for the climate.
Standard co-financing of the LIFE project by the European Commission is up to 60% of the value of eligible costs, and in the case of natural projects serving priority species and habitats up to 75%. Polish Applicants may additionally apply for co-financing of their project from national funds of NFEP&WM complementing the financial installation of the project up to 95% of eligible costs. (co-financing from the European Commission, co-financing from NFEP&WM)
The current LIFE Programme – the Environment and Climate Action Programme, including the 2014-2020 financial perspective, is the continuation of the LIFE + financial instrument operating in 2007-2013.
More about the LIFE + financial instrument at:
Project No LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009, entitled “Active protection of water crow-foots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drava basin in Poland”, which total budget is PLN 27,594,196.00, is co-financed in 50%, that is in the amount of PLN 13 797 098 from the European Commission funds.