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Promotional film which aim is to present the results of tasks performed as part of the project in 2014-2022

Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce that as part of the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 LIFEDrawaPL project, we have prepared a promotional film which aim is to present the results of tasks performed as part of the project in 2014-2022. The official presentation of the film took place on…

Conference closing the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009, LIFEDrawaPL project

On 7-8 April 2022 in the Mierzęcin Palace near Dobiegniew, a conference closing the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009, LIFEDrawaPL project took place. Over 100 persons representing a number of public institutions participated in the conference, including Regional Environmental Managements, The State Forests National Forest Holding, State Water Holding Polish Waters,…

Exchange of experiences between teams implementing LIFE projects

On 30 – 31.03.2022 PGW WP the Management of the Catchment in Gryfice, implementing the LIFE11 NAT/PL/000424 project, “Construction of a blue ecological corridor along the valley of the River Rega and its tributaries”, organized a meeting which aim was to exchange experiences between teams implementing LIFE projects . The…

Projekt „Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland / Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”.

Projekt LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 pn. „Czynna ochrona siedlisk włosieniczników i udrożnienie korytarza ekologicznego zlewni rzeki Drawy w Polsce”, LIFEDrawaPL jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach programu LIFE + oraz przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.

Beneficjent projektu

Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Szczecinie
ul. Teofila Firlika 20, 71-637 Szczecin
tel.: 91 43-05-200, fax: 91 43-05-201
Biuro Projektu pok. 205 (II piętro)
tel. 91 43 05 222 lub 91 43 05 214


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