The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Szczecin is pleased to invite you to participate in a two-day workshop entitled “Measures for the protection of the habitat of water-crowfoots rivers implemented in the Drawa basin under LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009, as an example of good practice in restoration of gravel-bottom rivers”.
The workshop is organized under the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009 project “Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor of the River Drawa basin in Poland”, LIFEDrawaPL co-financed by the European Union under the LIFE+ financial instrument and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw.
The overriding goal of the LIFEDrawaPL project is to improve the environmental condition of the Natura 2000 areas including the Drawa, Radew and Grabowa basins, where aquatic and water-dependent ecosystems are objects of protection. The actions taken also support the process of meeting the obligations of the Water Framework Directive, i.e. striving to achieve good status of waters and ecosystems dependent on them. The workshop aims to present the results of the project in relation to the ecological status of 3260 habitat Lowland and foothill rivers with communities of Ranunculion fluitantis and the living conditions of fish and lampreys – the species characteristic of this habitat.
Theoretical workshops combined with the field part will be an excellent opportunity to discuss problems in water environment management, the needs and possible paths of cooperation in this area.
Date: 25-26.11.2021 r.
Place: Pałac Siemczyno, Siemczyno 81 78-551 Siemczyno
Application form
Safety rules
Health declaration
Udział w warsztatach jest nieodpłatny!
Participation in the workshops is free of charge!
Please send your applications by e-mail to the following e-mail address: life.drawa.szczecin@rdos.gov.pl until 17th November 2021
The number of places is limited!
The order in which the applications are submitted will decide about the participation in the workshops!
Confirmation of participation will be sent to participants who will qualify to take part in the workshop to the e-mail address provided in the application form.
For additional information, please contact: Ms. Aneta Radecka, phone number: 91 43 05 214, mobile: 733 606 245, and Ms. Beata Gąsiorowska: phone number 91 43 05 222, mobile: 733 600 838.
Additional organizational information
- The organiser of the workshops is: Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin, 20 Teofila Firlika Street, 71-637 Szczecin;
- Participation in the workshops is free of charge and includes:
- participation in classes,
- meals and accommodation for those who are willing to stay in double rooms,
- bus transfer during the field part on 25th and 26th November 2021,
- The field part of the workshop requires you to take comfortable shoes with you. No severe field conditions are anticipated.
- The organiser does not cover the costs of the participants’ travel to the place where the workshops are organized.
- The organiser does not cover the cost of accommodation the day before the workshop, but may make a reservation on behalf of the participant, provided that this information is included in the application form.
- The organiser does not cover the costs of additional hotel services, e.g. swimming pool, sauna, spa, mini-bar, pay TV, domestic and foreign phone calls, etc.
- The number of places is limited. The participant will be qualified to take part in the workshop on the basis of the order in which the applications are received. The confirmation of participation will be sent to the participants to the e-mail address provided in the registration form.
- The application in the form of a scan of the signed form should be sent to the following e-mail address: life.drawa.szczecin@rdos.gov.pl by 17th November 2021 at the latest. The original of the signed application should be delivered no later than on the day of the workshop.
- On the day of the workshop, the participant is required to provide a signed declaration of having read the safety rules during the workshop and a declaration of health condition.