The Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin once again supports the social campaign of cleaning the River Drawa.
It is the fourth year when the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin has the pleasure to support the social action of cleaning the River Drawa as part of the Earth Day.
This year the campaign is scheduled for 13th April 2019.
The action, whose creator and main organizer is the travel company Jędrkowe Zakole has been very popular among the inhabitants for years. In 2018 131 people took part in this undertaking. 39 people participated in the cleaning of the Drawa. The group of canoeists who were cleaning the Drawa was also supported by:
- pupils and educators of the Youth Educational Center in Rzepczyn,
- pupils and educators from the Home and Family Support Center in Drawsko Pom.,
- residents of the Social Welfare Home in Darskowo together with the Director.
During the event about 7m³ of waste was collected along the routes. During this cleaning, a new illegal garbage dump was discovered at the River Drawa; the fact was notified to the environmental protection unit in the municipality of Drawsko Pom. Unfortunately, although the same routes and areas as in the previous year were cleaned, the amount of collected waste significantly increased, which indicates the need to continue such activities.
RDOŚ in Szczecin supports the local campaign under C.7 action. Measures to protect river ecosystems as part of the project “Active protection of water-crowfoots habitats and restoration of wildlife corridor in the River Drawa basin in Poland”, LIFE13 NAT/PL/000009, LIFEDrawaPL, co-financed by the European Union under the LIFE+ financial instrument and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw.
As part of this year’s event, depending on the number of participants, actions are going to be carried out simultaneously in several directions, planned sections:
- The ecological kayaking on the Drawa along the route: Dalewo – Jędrkowa Przystań in Drawsko Pomorskie.
- Cleaning of hiking trails:
- from Jędrkowa Przystań to Młynowo.
- promenade (health path).
- Cleaning of the coastal area in the Chopin Park to Jędrkowa Przystań together with the area of a former shooting range.Spływ ekologiczny Drawą na trasie: Dalewo – Jędrkowa Przystań w Drawsku Pomorskim.
Detailed organizational information and contact details are available in the event’s programme. Program Dzień Ziemi 2019
We invite you to participate in the event!
The LIFEDrawaPL project team.